Privacy Policy

Efeja Jewellery Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales (referred to as "we" or "us" in this policy). We are the owner of this Website and responsible for any personal data you submit via the Website.

This Privacy Policy is applicable to all visitors to this Website. By visiting and using our website, you acknowledge and accept the practices outlined in this Privacy Policy.


What personal information do we collect? 

We want to give you the best possible customer experience and our primary goal in collecting personal information from you is to assist your purchase. In order to achieve this, we may collect the following personal information about you: 

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Billing and Delivery Address
  • Telephone Number
  • Email Address
  • Items ordered

When you visit our website, we may also collect the following information:

  • Your location geographically
  • IP address of device(s) used
  • Your browser type
  • Your device type
  • How you were referred to us
  • Search terms you used to get to us
  • What you browsed on the website
  • How long you stayed on the website for


How and why we use your information?

We collect your information to process any orders that you make via our website. For example, your details may need to be passed to a third party to deliver the accessories that you ordered.

We handle the information, you send us to enable us to respond to your queries, refund requests and complaints. We may also keep a record of these to inform any future communication with us.

If you register an account with us, we may store information regarding your previous orders so you can view them.

With your consent, we may use your personal information, preferences, and details of your transactions to keep you informed on updates regarding our products and offers, by email, or text. You are free to opt out of hearing from us by any of these channels at any time.


Who do we share your personal information with?

When appropriate to do so, we may share your personal information with third parties. The third parties that we may share your personal information with include:

  • Service or product providers to our business, for example information technology services suppliers, logistics providers, shipping providers, fraud prevention organisations, market research services providers, or data cleansing providers.
  • Third parties that process personal information on our behalf, for example we currently use Shopify to host and process data as part of their contract with us.
  • Our legal and other professional advisers, including our auditors.
  • Social media and other online platforms where relevant to our relationship with you.

Unless we are legally entitled to do so, or unless required by law, we do not disclose personal information to anyone else, except as set out above. 


How long do we keep information?

We only keep your information as long as we need to, for the purposes listed above. When we don’t need it anymore, we delete it securely. In the event that, you ask us to stop processing your personal information for marketing purposes, in order to ensure your information are kept on our newsletter suppression lists, we may need to actually retain some of your information.


What are your rights over your personal information?

You have the following rights and you can contact us to request the exercise of these rights at any time by emailing us on

  • You have the right to request access to your personal information that we hold.
  • You can request the correction of your information when the information is incorrect, out of date or incomplete.
  • You can request that we delete your personal information in specific circumstances; for example, when you change your mind and withdraw consent, and we have no legitimate overriding interest or purpose to hold your information.
  • You can request that we stop using your personal information for direct marketing activity through any of our marketing channels.

If we choose not to action your request, we will explain the reasons for our refusal. For example, where we are processing your personal information based on our legitimate interest, you can ask us to stop for individual reasons. We will comply with your request unless we believe we have a legitimate overriding reason to continue processing your personal information.

We will ask you to verify your identity before proceeding with any request as listed above, to protect the confidentiality of your personal information.


Any questions?

We hope this Privacy Policy is clearly setting out how we handle your personal information and your rights to control your information, however, If you have any questions that haven’t been covered, please contact us on